The results are in from the 2022 retailer survey on cashless payments in Switzerland.

14 February 2023

The proportion of cashless payments in retail is continuing to rise. Compared to Germany, significantly more people are actually paying without cash in Switzerland. In terms of the costs that arise from cashless payments, Swiss retailers often lack insight and knowledge, however.

Content of the article

    The aim: greater insight into the structures and costs of cashless payments in Switzerland

    While the EHI Retail Institute has managed to increase transparency and knowledge of the structures and costs of cashless payments in the German market thanks to a recurring study, there was no comparable study in Switzerland until 2021.

    The “Retailer survey on cashless payments in Switzerland”, which treibauf carried out in 2022 in collaboration with ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), closes this gap, making it a crucial step in generating greater insight and understanding in the Swiss market.

    Design and composition of the study

    102 different Swiss companies were questioned for our retailer survey between 10/08/2022 and 19/09/2022. 70 % of the participating companies are in the B2C field, 90 % are in retail and 49 % also operate an online shop. 85 % of the companies involved meet the definition of an SME (< 250 employees).

    What was examined?

    The survey not only looked at what share of overall sales came from each of the different payment methods, but also at acquirer distribution – and at the retail companies’ satisfaction with the different acquirers. As a result, the study provides valuable insights into the acquirer landscape in Switzerland, which had not been available before.

    The survey also examined the distribution of the different cost structures and fee models in Switzerland – and the companies were asked what they see as the biggest challenges in the context of cashless payments.

    Where are the results?

    Would you like to learn more about the results of the 2022 retailer survey? Just write us a short email with a little information about your position and your company. We will then gladly send you more information on the study.

    And by the way: all the companies that took part in the study were sent the detailed results along with a management summary of the study at the end of last year. So it’s definitely worth taking part.

    What were the main findings?

    Two of the main findings relate to the distribution of the various acquirers in the Swiss market and the acquirers’ main price models and their respective usage. The study also investigated the extent to which retail companies are even aware of their current price model.

    The acquirer landscape in Switzerland

    Which acquirers are actually active in Switzerland? And which of these are the most widespread? To find out, we asked the participating companies which acquirers they work with. The result? At 83 % Worldline is the most popular by a large margin, followed by PostFinance (47 %) and Twint (31 %). And Swisscard is just ahead of PayPal in 4th place.

    Most significant providers

    Additionally, we also asked the companies which providers are most significant for them. Worldline was also ahead here by a large margin (73 %). However, Concardis (11 %) took second place rather than PostFinance.

    Providers with the greatest importance according to the assessment of the respondents

    The various acquirer price models

    The study not only reveals the different price models that are available in Switzerland, but also showed that many of the surveyed retailers are not aware of the different price models and cost structures in the context of cashless payments.

    Absolute number of mentions

    Conclusion to price models

    • Communication of their different price models seems to vary from acquirer to acquirer
    • Interchange+ and Interchange++ are less common price models
    • Many of those asked did not know which price model their company was using

    A certain paradox also comes to light here: on the one hand, retailers complained about the high fees and their dependence on the acquirers.

    Conversely, retail companies are often unaware of the options for optimising the price models and the choice of acquiring banks to suit their specific circumstances and requirements.

    Sound familiar?

    If you feel a bit lost at this point, don’t worry! We have explained everything you need to know about price models and fee components step by step in a magazine article for you 🙂

    How do we see our role?

    Why did treibauf set this study in motion? As EFT experts, we believe it is our responsibility to build bridges, create transparency and convey the necessary know-how, so that retail companies can make optimal use of the acquiring banks’ EFT services. Our software solutions can also ensure faster integration and easier payment reconciliation.

    How can I take part this year?

    The more companies that take part in the next retailer survey, the more light we can shine on the structures and costs of cashless payments in Switzerland. All participating companies are given exclusive first access to the results of the study.

    We would be thrilled if you would take half an hour this year to take part in the retailer survey on cashless payments. We guarantee that all your data is completely anonymised. It is not possible to draw conclusions about your company – neither for us as the study organiser nor for other companies.

    If you would like to take part, just write us a short email. We’ll then let you know as soon as the 2023 retailer survey starts.


    While a series of studies in recent years by the EHI have helped to increase transparency of the structures and costs of cashless payments in the German market, many retail companies in Switzerland have not had this insight in this area up to now.

    The aim of our retailer survey conducted with ZHAW is to bring transparency to the market of cashless payments – and it has already delivered some very interesting results in 2022. Any company wanting to be part of the survey this year and take advantage of first access to the results, can register to take part here.

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